2016 Wild Game Dinner
We were blessed to have Hank Parker as our guest speaker for the 2016 Wild Game Dinner. Hank did a great job of giving us good tips for calling in turkeys for the upcoming season. He was also very gracious in providing plenty of photo opportunities and answering everyone’s questions. We look very much forward to having him back to be with us again in the future.
Hank’s notoriety, traditionally great food and wonderful door prizes helped to attract our largest crowd to date. Just over 300 people attended the dinner. It was nice to see old friends and to make plenty new ones as well. We had plenty of good door prizes. Among the most noteworthy were a Wicked Ridge Warrior HL Crossbow, a Mossberg 20 gauge slug combo, a Savage .17 HMR and a Henry Rifle in .22. We also raffled off a firearm first time. The raffle was very popular and we were able to award the winner a Savage .243.